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Sunblock's role and efficacy within your skincare routine (open to non-sunblock users or infrequent users)

There are 18 questions and should not take more than 15 minutes. Your answers will help inform how sunblock can be more diverse in terms of its shade range, compatibility with different skin types, and texture (i.e more matte/dewy/ etc.)! Please do share this survey with others too and feel free to post it online!

1. Where are you permanently based? *

If you pick "other," then please elaborate on your choice using the textbox. If you run out of room, then you can use the comments section.

2. If you are based within Canada, then please state which province(s) you live in. *

If you are not living in Canada, then please pick "Not Applicable."

3. Could you please tell me your age? *

(If you run out of room in the "Other" option, then please use the comment section to communicate further).

4. Could you please tell me your gender? *

If I have not listed your preferred gender, then please pick "other." If you feel like it, then you may elaborate by typing your answer in the textbox and comments section.

5. Could you please state your ethnicity? *

Please pick one or more of the choices below. If I have not written your ethnic identity, then please pick the "other" option and feel free to elaborate. The comment box can be used for this too.

6A. How often do you wear makeup?

By makeup, I am specifically referring to foundation/BB Cream/CC Cream/ Concealer/Tinted Moisturizer, and the like. 5=always, 4=usually, 3=sometimes, 2=rarely, 1=never. If you DO NOT wear makeup at all, then please skip this question.

6B. How often do you use your sunblock? *

If you select "none of the above," then please type your answer using the textbox besides the "Other" option. If you run out of room, then please use the comment section to communicate further.

6C. Do you apply an adequate amount of sunblock? Medical guidance states 0.5 teaspoons (2 fingers length) for the face and the equivalent of a shot glass for the body. *

Please use the comments section to elaborate if you picked either "No,' or "Maybe."

7. If you either don't use sunblock at all or infrequently (i.e no daily application), then could you please share why? *

If this question doesn't apply to you, then please write "N/A." Don't worry, no judgment, if you don't use sunblock or usage is infrequent :) That's what the survey is for, understanding why people do and don't use sunblock.

8A. How do you pick between the different brands of sunblock? *

(Please rank your criteria from most important to least)

  • Brand name
  • Compatibility with skin type (Is the sunblock working for your skin type)
  • Compatibility with the color of your skin
  • Compatibility with your makeup
  • In-store/online skincare advisor
  • Ingredients of sunblock
  • Medical advice
  • Not Applicable because I don't use sunblock
  • Other
  • Packaging
  • Price
  • Reviews from peers
  • Reviews from social media
  • SPF rating

8B. If you ranked "Other" within the top 5 for the above question, then please elaborate here: *

If you did NOT rank "other" within the top 5, then please state "N/A." You are halfway through the survey! Glass is half full :)

9. Where do you get your information about which sunblock to use? *

You can pick multiple chocies. If you do select "Other" as an option, then please elaborate using the textbook. If you run out of room, then please use the comments section.

10. What brand of sunblock do you use? *

(ExampIe, I use Ombrelle Face SPF 60+. Please add in the full name of your sunblock since one brand can have many sublocks). If you don't use sunblock, then please put down "N/A."

11. How much do you like your current sunblock?

5=Very satisfied, 4=Satisfied, 3=Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 2=Dissatisfied,
1=Very Dissatisfied (If you don't use sunblock, then please skip this question).

12A. What do you like about your sunblock? *

Please rank from most to least

  • Price
  • Matches my skin color
  • Compatible with my skin type
  • Brand name prestige
  • Adequately protects my skin from burns (good amount of SPF)
  • Compatibility with my makeup
  • Other
  • Not Applicable because I don't use sunblock

12B. If you ranked "Other" within the top 5 for the above question, then please elaborate why. *

If you did not rank "Other" within the top 5, then please type "N/A." If you don't use sunblock, then please type "N/A" as well.

13. If there is either anything you dislike about your current sunblock, or you would like to change an element regardless, then please state it below. *

If you have nothing to say (or don't use sunblock), then please type "N/A."

14. If you dislike your sunblock but you still use it, then how are you coping with that unlikeable element? *

If this question doesn't apply to you, then please state "N/A."

15. Where and how do you buy your sunblock? Please name retailers and method, I get mine online from Walmart and Amazon. *

If you don't use sunblock, then please type "N/A."

16. Do you know of a product that: (1) has adequate SPF for your skin (2) no white cast, (3) nice texture on skin, (4) works as makeup( like replaces tinted moisturizer), (5) is within your budget/not too expensive? *

If you pick "Other," then please elaborate using the textbox. If you want more room, then please use the comments box. If you don't use sunblock, then please state so in the comments section.

17. (Final Q). Does the following idea sound like a solution to your sunblock woes: a low budget, hypoallergenic skin tint you mix in with your sunblock (sunblock you dispense into your hand, not the whole bottle) to (1) eliminate a white cast left by mineral/chemical sunblock, (2) mattify greasy texture, and (3) provide buildable coverage without compromising your SPF? Note the tint is a separate, non-SPF product and meant to simplify your makeup routine (hence the coverage and color) so you can skip the initial layer of foundation/BB Cream etc. *

Regardless of what option you pick, PLEASE ELABORATE ON YOUR CHOICE through the TEXT BOX. If you run out of room, then please use the COMMENTS BOX.

Thank you so much for filling out this form!

If you feel comfortable dropping your email, then please do so below! I would love to get back to you about the end results and follow up for clarification if need be. My email is Please do share this survey with others too!

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